由于印度限制她的活动, 美国对孟加拉国在Hasina之后的驱逐中极端主义的担忧日益高涨。 U.S. concerns rise over extremism in Bangladesh post-Hasina ousting, as India restricts her activities.
美国担心孟加拉国极端主义不断抬头, 特别是在总理谢赫哈西娜下台后, 哈西娜曾控制极端主义团体。 The U.S. is worried about rising extremism in Bangladesh, especially after the ousting of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who had controlled extremist groups. 孟加拉国临时政府已要求印度阻止Hasina从印度领土发表政治声明。 The interim government in Bangladesh has requested India to prevent Hasina from making political statements from Indian soil. 关切包括释放伊斯兰极端分子和攻击印度教徒和基督教徒等少数群体。 Concerns include the release of Islamist extremists and attacks on minorities like Hindus and Christians. 前白宫官员Lisa Curtis敦促美国关注这一问题,并在这个问题上与印度合作。 Former White House official Lisa Curtis urges the U.S. to pay attention and work with India on the issue.