2006年发行的"死者起"于9月19日收到豪华版重制版,其中包括改进的图形,控制和沉浸式增强. 2006's Dead Rising receives a Deluxe Remaster on September 19, featuring improved graphics, controls, and immersive enhancements.
9 月 19 日发布的《Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster》通过改进的图形、控制和生活质量改进,重新构想了 2006 年的经典作品。 Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, releasing September 19, reimagines the 2006 classic with improved graphics, controls, and quality-of-life improvements. 校正的特色是加强照明、面部动画和环境细节,在Willamette Parkview Mall设置中提供亲身体验。 The remaster features enhanced lighting, facial animations, and environmental detail, offering an immersive experience in the Willamette Parkview Mall setting. 游戏玩法的改进包括瞄准时移动的能力、改进的技能和物品耐久度条。 Gameplay improvements include the ability to move while aiming, revamped skills, and an item durability bar. 经典的控制方案可以被逆转, 人工智能在护送幸存者和与环境元素互动方面已经得到了改进. The classic control scheme can be reverted, and the AI has seen enhancements in escorting survivors and interacting with environment elements. Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster 承诺通过现代增强功能忠实再现原始游戏,带来更愉快的游戏体验。 Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster promises to deliver a faithful recreation of the original game with modern enhancements for a more enjoyable gaming experience.