裸男对卡尔加里Elbow公园的年轻女子进行性攻击;嫌疑人仍然在逃。 Naked man sexually assaults young woman in Calgary's Elbow Park; suspect still at large.
卡尔加里警方向居民发出警告,敦促在Elbow公园一名裸体男子对一名年轻女子进行性攻击后保持警惕。 Calgary police issued a warning to residents, urging vigilance after a naked man sexually assaulted a young woman in Elbow Park. 嫌犯被描述为白种人,头发黑,面部毛发黑,据信与当晚早些时候从一辆黑色卡车上看到在看官邸的同一个人。 The suspect, described as Caucasian with dark hair and facial hair, is believed to be the same man seen watching the residence from a black truck earlier that night. 警察增加了在该地区的巡逻,并要求公民报告任何可疑活动。 Police have increased patrols in the area and are requesting citizens to report any suspicious activity. 事件发生时,三名妇女正返回住所,袭击者仍然在逃。 The incident occurred when three women were returning to their residence, and the attacker is still at large.