2月23日,一名青少年在北温哥华Inter River公园的公共洗手间内遭到一名身份不明的男子性侵犯。 On February 23, a youth was sexually assaulted in a public washroom at Inter River Park, North Vancouver, by an unidentified man.
2月23日,北温哥华皇家骑警在一名青少年在Inter River公园的公共卫生间遭到性侵犯后向公众发出警告。 North Vancouver RCMP warn the public after a youth was sexually assaulted in a public washroom at Inter River Park on February 23. 嫌疑人被描述为一名 30 至 50 岁的男性,中等身材到大块头,在受害者使用小便池时从后面接近受害者。 The suspect, described as a 30- to 50-year-old man with a medium to large build, approached the victim from behind while they were using the urinals. 受害者在嫌疑人逃离现场之前成功击中了嫌疑人。 The victim managed to strike the suspect before he fled the scene. 警方正在积极调查,并已针对社区安全发布公共警报。 Police are actively investigating and have issued a public alert for the safety of the community.