根据Waker-Uz-Zaman将军,孟加拉国士兵在警察恢复正常行动时返回军营。 Bangladeshi soldiers to return to barracks as police resume normal operations, per General Waker-Uz-Zaman.
陆军总司令Waker-Uz-Zaman宣布,孟加拉国士兵将在警察恢复正常行动后返回军营,并列举了该国法律和秩序状况的改善。 Army Chief General Waker-Uz-Zaman announced that Bangladeshi soldiers will return to barracks when police resume normal operations, citing improvements in the country's law and order situation. Waker-Uz-Zaman将军还讨论了30起针对少数民族社区的罪行,并敦促各政党避免暴力,为人民的利益参政。 General Waker-Uz-Zaman also discussed 30 crimes against minority communities and urged political parties to refrain from violence and engage in politics for the benefit of the people.