达勒姆奥沙瓦发生 9 车相撞事故,造成 1 人死亡和 8 人受伤,调查仍在进行中。9-vehicle crash in Oshawa, Durham, leads to 1 fatality and 8 injuries, investigation ongoing.
周六在达勒姆奥沙瓦发生 9 车相撞事故,造成 1 人死亡和 8 人受伤。9-vehicle crash in Oshawa, Durham, results in 1 fatality and 8 injuries on Saturday.事故原因的细节尚未公布。Details on the cause of the accident are yet to be released.紧急服务人员正在现场帮助受影响的人。Emergency services are on the scene assisting those affected.