住房部门79%的负增长存量可能会随着住房市场的反弹而翻一番。 79%-plummeted growth stock in housing sector may double with housing market rebound.
下跌 79%,成长股可能随着房地产市场的反弹而翻倍:随着房地产市场的反弹,暴跌 79% 的成长股(名称/股票代码)的价值可能会翻一番。 79% down, growth stock could double with housing rebound: As the housing market rebounds, a growth stock (name/ticker) that has plummeted 79% could potentially double in value. 分析家预测住房将出现强劲反弹,使住房建造者、抵押贷款人和房地产公司受益。 Analysts predict a strong rebound in housing, benefiting homebuilders, mortgage lenders, and real estate companies. 这只特定成长型股票在房地产领域拥有强大的地位,并可能利用反弹,推动其股价上涨 100% 或更多。 This specific growth stock has a strong position in the housing sector and could capitalize on the rebound, driving its share price up by 100% or more.