罗奇代尔警方在高速追逐一辆载有一名儿童和一条狗的奥迪 A3,结果导致车辆撞车,并因涉嫌危险驾驶和持有毒品而逮捕了几名嫌疑人。 A high-speed police chase in Rochdale involving an Audi A3 with a child and a dog inside resulted in a crash and arrests on suspicion of dangerous driving and drug possession.
在罗奇代尔,一辆奥迪 A3 在高速上与警察追逐,时速达到 150 英里,车内载有一名三岁儿童和一条狗。 A high-speed police chase in Rochdale involving an Audi A3 reached speeds of 150mph, with a three-year-old child and a dog inside. 由于司机未能停车接受警察追捕,追捕随即开始,最终导致其撞上路灯柱。 The pursuit began after the driver failed to stop for officers and ultimately resulted in a crash into a lamppost. 司机和另一名乘客因涉嫌危险驾驶、未停车接受警察检查以及持有并意图贩卖 B 类毒品而被逮捕。 The driver and another occupant were arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving, failing to stop for police, and possession with intent to supply class B drugs. 目前,该儿童已被警方保护,狗和汽车也被没收。 The child has been taken into police protection, and the dog and car have also been seized.