自2021年以来,全国量子和暗物质公路旅行激发了澳大利亚区域科学学生的灵感。 National Quantum & Dark Matter Road Trip inspires regional Australian students in science, since 2021.
国家量子和暗物质公路旅行正在激励澳大利亚偏远地区下一代物理学家。 A National Quantum & Dark Matter Road Trip is inspiring the next generation of physicists in remote areas of Australia. 来自斯温伯恩理工学院和其他机构的科学家通过昆士兰、北部地区和西澳大利亚州前往学校和社区,讨论暗物质和量子物理学。 Scientists from Swinburne Institute of Technology and other institutions travel through Queensland, the Northern Territory, and Western Australia, visiting schools and communities to discuss dark matter and quantum physics. 自2021年以来,每年一次的公路旅行旨在接触通常没有机会面对面会见科学家、激励学生和展示澳大利亚最新研究的区域和边远社区。 Since 2021, the annual road trip aims to reach regional and remote communities that usually do not have the opportunity to meet scientists face-to-face, inspiring students and showcasing cutting-edge research happening in Australia.