马里昂县官员敦促在热带风暴德比导致的洪水地区自愿疏散. Marion County officials urge voluntary evacuations in flood-prone areas due to Tropical Storm Debby.
马里昂县官员敦促在热带风暴德比导致的洪水地区自愿疏散. Marion County officials urge voluntary evacuations in flood-prone areas due to Tropical Storm Debby. 庇护所处于待命状态,玛莉恩县警察局在自然资源部的协助下开展门到门行动。 A shelter is on standby, and door-to-door operations are conducted by the Marion County Sheriff's Office, assisted by the Department of Natural Resources. 自愿撤离不是强制性的,而是作为一种预防措施,通知是发给受影响居民的,但尼科尔斯镇除外,在该镇行政当局与居民联系。 The voluntary evacuation is not mandatory but serves as a precautionary measure, and notifications are sent to affected residents, excluding the Town of Nichols, where the town administration contacts residents instead.