今年第二起事件, 约克路-梅因路环路发生2次汽车撞车事件, 引起安全关切。 2-car crash at York Road-Main Road roundabout, 2nd incident this year, raises safety concerns.
在约克路和主路的环路发生车祸,涉及一辆红色汽车和一辆白色轿车,红色汽车撞上了主权公园汽车旅馆的砖墙。 A car crash at the roundabout of York Road and Main Road involved a red car and a white sedan, with the red car hitting a brick fence at Sovereign Park Motor Inn. 两名司机,Jinsho Philip和另一名司机都没有受伤。 Both drivers, Jinsho Philip and the other driver, were unharmed. 这是今年在这个地点发生的第二起事件, 旅馆工作人员及附近居民对环路安全提出关切, This is the second incident at this location this year, and hotel staff and nearby residents have raised concerns about the roundabout's safety, stating it has been dangerous in the past with multiple crashes.