美国国家职业联赛和球员工会同意新的CBA到2030年,涵盖球员移动,自由代理和交易. NWSL and players' union agree on new CBA through 2030, covering player movement, free agency, and trades.
美国国家足球联盟及其球员工会已经同意了一项新的CBA,该协议将持续到2030年,包括球员流动,自由代理和交易的条款. The NWSL and its players' union have agreed on a new CBA that will last until 2030, involving provisions for player movement, free agency, and trades. 新的CBA是在2026赛季后现有协议到期之后签署的,因为NWSL的知名度已随着国际球员签约,每年6000万美元的媒体权利交易和创纪录的特许经营销售而增加. The new CBA follows the expiration of the current agreement after the 2026 season, as the NWSL's profile has increased with international player signings, a $60M/year media rights deal, and record-breaking franchise sales.