Midlesex OPP在安大略Lucan的William Street逮捕了一名嫌疑人,他是在一次多单位警察行动之后被捕的。 Middlesex OPP arrested a suspect on William Street in Lucan, Ontario, after a multi-unit police operation.
米德尔塞克斯OPP在安大略省卢坎的威廉街逮捕了一名嫌疑人,此前正在进行调查,涉及危机谈判代表,应急小组,警犬部队以及战术和救援部队。 Middlesex OPP arrested a suspect on William Street in Lucan, Ontario, following an ongoing investigation involving crisis negotiators, an emergency response team, a canine unit, and a tactics and rescue unit. 居民被警告要避开该地区,但此后街道又重新开放。 Residents were warned to avoid the area, but the street has since reopened. 这不是警察第一次进入该地区,因为以前曾提出过对嫌疑人心理健康的关切。 This was not the first time police had been in the area, as concerns about the suspect's mental well-being were previously raised.