Benson家庭护理之家通过赞助跑者Abby Turner,为Wallingford无障碍船俱乐部筹集2 500英镑。 Benson House care home raised £2,500 for Wallingford Accessible Boat Club through sponsoring runner Abby Turner.
Benson家庭护理之家在Wallingford无障碍船俱乐部筹款会上筹集了2 500英镑。 Benson House care home raised £2,500 at a fundraiser for Wallingford Accessible Boat Club (WABC). 他们赞助了跑步者艾比·特纳,为WABC筹集资金,并被评为俱乐部的第一个"社区冠军". They sponsored runner Abby Turner, who raised funds for WABC and was named the club's first "community champion". 由轮椅使用者John Jenkins创立的WABC使身体不健全的个人能够进入泰晤士河。 WABC, founded by wheelchair user John Jenkins, enables less able-bodied individuals to access the River Thames. Benson House计划今后为其居民提供乘船旅行。 Benson House plans to provide boat trips for its residents in the future.