44岁的Heidi Bredeson, Rochester妇女,在阿帕奇购物中心附近的52号公路发生单车撞车事故时受伤。 44-year-old Heidi Bredeson, a Rochester woman, was injured in a single-car crash on Highway 52 near Apache Mall.
44岁的罗切斯特妇女海蒂·布雷德森(Heidi Bredeson)在靠近第16街西南立交桥的阿帕奇购物中心附近的52号高速公路上发生单车撞车事故,受伤没有危及生命。 44-year-old Heidi Bredeson, a Rochester woman, sustained non-life-threatening injuries in a single-car crash on Highway 52 close to Apache Mall, near the 16th Street Southwest interchange. 据国家巡逻队称,她的车辆离开了道路,撞上了沟渠,撞上了一根灯杆,然后返回车道,然后撞上了中间的墙。 According to the State Patrol, her vehicle left the road, hit a ditch, struck a light pole, and returned to the roadway before crashing into a median wall. Bredeson戴着安全带,被送往圣玛丽斯医院治疗。 Bredeson was wearing a seatbelt and was transported to St. Marys Hospital for treatment.