弗林特主教国际机场获得FAA赠款190万美元,用于码头改进。 Flint's Bishop International Airport receives a $1.9m FAA grant for terminal improvements.
弗林特主教国际机场收到FAA赠款190万美元,用于改善航站楼,包括更新大门、罚单柜台和信息显示。 Flint's Bishop International Airport receives $1.9m FAA grant for terminal improvements, including updating gate, ticket counters, & information displays. 其他升级包括一条新的6 000英尺服务公路和出租车。 Additional upgrades include a new 6,000-foot service road and taxilane. Dan Kildee议员通过《两党基础设施法》获得了资金。 Congressman Dan Kildee secured funding through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. 升级的目的是提高旅行经验,支持小企业在全球运输产品方面。 The upgrades aim to enhance travel experience and support small businesses in shipping products globally.