现代省油的商用飞机在高空飞行会产生更持久的尾迹,从而加剧气候变化。 Modern fuel-efficient commercial aircraft flying at high altitudes create longer-lasting contrails, contributing more to climate change.
伦敦帝国理工学院的一项研究发现,在高空飞行的现代省油商用飞机会产生更持久的尾迹,尽管排放的碳较少,但对气候变化的贡献更大。 A study by Imperial College London discovered that modern fuel-efficient commercial aircraft flying at high altitudes create longer-lasting contrails, contributing more to climate change despite emitting less carbon. 现代飞机设计用于在更高的高度飞行以节省燃料,会产生更多的凝迹,从而在大气中捕获额外的热量,从而可能增加其变暖影响。 Modern planes designed to fly at higher altitudes to save fuel create more contrails, which trap additional heat in the atmosphere, potentially increasing their warming impact. 私人飞机产生的尾迹也比以前想象的要多,这加剧了人们对它们对气候变暖的巨大影响的担忧。 Private jets also produce more contrails than previously thought, adding to concerns about their outsized impact on climate warming.