哥伦布骑士在魁北克年度大会上报告,慈善捐款和成员增长创纪录1.90亿美元。 Knights of Columbus reports record-breaking $190m in charitable donations and membership growth at annual Quebec convention.
哥伦布骑士团在加拿大魁北克举行的年度大会上报告说,其成员大幅增加,慈善捐款达1.90亿美元,创历史新高。 The Knights of Columbus reported significant growth in membership and record-breaking charitable donations of $190m at their annual convention in Quebec, Canada. 该组织的成长横跨几个大陆, 半数新加入网络的美国成员是西班牙裔。 The organization's growth spanned several continents, with half of new American members joining online being Hispanic. 骑士的慈善工作包括在伊拉克、叙利亚和黎巴嫩等面临迫害的国家重建教堂和支持天主教社区。 The Knights' charitable work includes rebuilding churches and supporting Catholic communities in countries where they face persecution, such as Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. 他们还宣布在非洲采取新举措,并向受自然灾害影响的人提供支助,如夏威夷2023年的野火。 They also announced new initiatives in Africa and provided support for people affected by natural disasters, like the 2023 wildfires in Hawaii. 哥伦布骑士不顾世俗主义的兴起取得了这一成就,强调他们的使命是建立以基督为中心的家庭、教区和社区。 The Knights of Columbus accomplished this despite the rise of secularism and emphasize their mission to build up families, parishes, and communities centered on Christ.