9人在Hatton公路失事中丧生;国家交通安全局负责检查道路状况和车辆故障。 9 killed in Hatton Highway crash; NTSB to examine road conditions and vehicle malfunction.
根据国家运输安全委员会(NTSB)的调查,在棕榈滩州Hatton高速公路发生的一场涉及一名2023年福特探险家的致命事故中,有9人丧生。 9 people were killed in a fatal crash involving a 2023 Ford Explorer on Hatton Highway in Palm Beach County, as investigated by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). 国家运输安全委员会将审查道路状况、路标、安全防范措施以及车辆故障的可能性,并计划在30天内提交初步报告。 The NTSB will examine road conditions, road signage, safety precautions, and the possibility of vehicle malfunction, with plans for a preliminary report within 30 days. 车祸没有10名车辆内的人使用任何安全设备,社区成员由于缺乏路灯,对公路的黑暗表示关切。 The crash involved no safety equipment usage by the 10 people inside the vehicle, with community members expressing concerns about the highway's darkness due to a lack of streetlights.