意大利银行部门预计明年将开展重大的并购活动,涉及UniCredit和Banca Monte dei Paschi等主要银行。 Italy's banking sector anticipates significant M&A activity over the next year, involving key banks like UniCredit and Banca Monte dei Paschi.
意大利银行业在下一年可能会经历重大的并购活动, Italy's banking sector may experience significant M&A activity over the next year, as analysts predict a "bumper round of M&A." 意大利主要银行,包括统一信贷联盟和Banca Monte dei Paschi银行,预计将在可能的合并中发挥作用。 Key Italian banks, including UniCredit and Banca Monte dei Paschi, are expected to play a role in potential consolidation. 这符合欧洲决策者在非洲大陆建立大银行的目标。 This follows a desire for larger banks across Europe and aligns with the European policymakers' goal of having bigger banks on the continent.