印地安那州重计委员会只用两次误计选票确认了主要种族结果。 Indiana's Recount Commission confirms primary race results with only two miscounted ballots.
印第安纳州重新计票委员会确认了有争议的众议院初选的初步结果,数千张选票中只有两张计票错误。 Indiana's Recount Commission confirms initial results of contested House primary races with only two miscounted ballots out of thousands. 在胜利幅度较大的比赛中重新计票的努力引发了关于成本和公平性的质疑,因为印第安纳州允许任何候选人或州/县政党主席在没有特定条件的情况下提交重新计票请愿书。 The recount efforts in races with large margins of victory raise questions about cost and fairness, as Indiana allows any candidate or state/county political party chairman to file a recount petition without specific conditions.