安大略省有 9 人因李斯特菌病爆发而患病;加拿大召回 Silk 和 Great Value 植物奶,因为可能受到李斯特菌污染。 9 people in Ontario fall ill in listeriosis outbreak; Canada recalls Silk, Great Value plant-based milks for potential Listeria contamination.
安大略省持续爆发李斯特菌病,已有 9 人患病,导致全国范围内召回多种植物奶,原因是可能受到李斯特菌污染。 9 people in Ontario have fallen ill in an ongoing listeriosis outbreak, leading to a national recall of various plant-based milks due to potential Listeria contamination. 加拿大食品检验局敦促个人避免食用冷藏的 Silk 燕麦奶、杏仁奶、椰奶、杏仁腰果奶以及保质期至 10 月 4 日的 Great Value 杏仁奶。 The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is urging individuals to avoid consuming refrigerated Silk oat, almond, coconut, or almond and cashew milk, as well as Great Value almond milk with expiry dates up to and including October 4th.