46岁的卡里姆·西布鲁克斯于7月1日在蒙哥马利被枪杀, 警方正在调查这是一起谋杀案. 46-year-old Karim Seabrooks was fatally shot on July 1 in Montgomery, police are investigating as a homicide.
46岁的蒙哥马利居民卡里姆·西布鲁克斯(Karim Seabrooks)于7月1日在Townplace Drive的1200街区被枪杀后死于枪伤。 46-year-old Karim Seabrooks, a Montgomery resident, died from gunshot wounds on July 1 after being shot in the 1200 block of Townplace Drive. 他被送往医院,但因伤势过重而死亡。 He was taken to the hospital but succumbed to his injuries. Montgomery警方已展开凶杀案调查, 并敦促公众提供资讯, 电话是334-215-STOP, 334-625-4000, 或蒙哥马利警察局, 电话是334-625-2831。 Montgomery police have launched a homicide investigation and are urging the public to provide information by calling 334-215-STOP, 334-625-4000, or the Montgomery Police Department at 334-625-2831.