艾伯塔市的太阳能市场蓬勃发展 面临着令人质疑的销售策略 导致消费者投诉 Alberta's booming solar market faces questionable sales tactics, leading to consumer complaints.
艾伯塔的屋顶太阳能市场蓬勃发展,导致可疑的销售策略增加,包括积极的门到门销售和虚假广告。 Alberta's booming rooftop solar market has led to an increase in questionable sales tactics, including aggressive door-to-door sales and false advertising. 随着电费高企和联邦政府绿屋计划导致市场扩张,消费者投诉增加。 Consumer complaints have risen as the market expands due to high electricity costs and the federal government's Greener Homes program. 虽然大多数房主对其太阳能电池板设施感到满意,但一些行业专业人员建议禁止门到门销售太阳能系统,或给予艾伯塔太阳能局监管权,以更好地保护消费者。 While most homeowners are satisfied with their solar panel installations, some industry professionals suggest banning door-to-door sales of solar systems or granting regulatory authority to Solar Alberta to better protect consumers.