艾伯塔公用事业委员会否认Westlock附近24兆瓦的太阳能发电厂,将主要农业用地列为优先事项。 Alberta Utilities Commission denies 24-MW solar plant near Westlock, prioritizing prime agricultural land.
艾伯塔公用事业委员会(AUC)拒绝了艾伯塔省Westlock附近一个24兆瓦的太阳能电厂的建议,该电厂最初预定为7 000个家庭供电。 The Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) has denied a proposal for a 24-megawatt solar plant near Westlock, Alberta, initially slated to power 7,000 homes. ACUC发现,该项目未能证明它的好处大于其不利影响,特别是对主要农业用地的不利影响。 The AUC found that the project failed to prove its benefits outweighed its negative impacts, particularly on prime agricultural land. 这与艾伯塔省政府禁止此类土地再生开发的计划是一致的,并列举了对农业生产力和社区福祉的关切。 This aligns with the Alberta government's plan to prohibit renewable developments on such land, citing concerns over agricultural productivity and community well-being.