墨西哥鳄梨产业的扩张导致森林砍伐、水资源短缺,并面临虚假可持续性声明的指控。 Mexican avocado industry expansion drives deforestation, water scarcity, and faces accusations of false sustainability claims.
受美国需求驱动的墨西哥鳄梨产业迅速扩张, 面临缺水、砍伐森林、与有组织犯罪相关联等指控。 The rapidly expanding Mexican avocado industry, driven by US demand, faces accusations of water scarcity, deforestation, and links to organized crime. 鳄梨产业的淘金热正在加剧墨西哥的森林砍伐,有机消费者协会(Organic Consumers Association)对两家美国进口商提起诉讼,指控他们以“可持续”或“负责任的采购”来推销墨西哥鳄梨。 A gold rush in the avocado industry is contributing to deforestation in Mexico, with the Organic Consumers Association filing lawsuits against two US importers for marketing Mexican avocados as "sustainable" or "responsibly sourced." 美国的阿沃卡多出口自2019年以来增长了48%,占墨西哥出口价值的80%。 Avocado exports to the US have increased by 48% since 2019, accounting for 80% of Mexico's export value.