由于免税和生产成本降低,印度服装业面临孟加拉国廉价进口品的竞争。 India's garment industry faces competition from cheaper Bangladeshi imports due to tax exemptions and lower production costs.
印度服装工业因孟加拉国的免税和生产成本降低, 与孟加拉国廉价进口品抗争, India's garment industry struggles against cheaper imports from Bangladesh due to tax exemptions and lower production costs in Bangladesh, which do not adhere to strict environmental and labor laws. 印度制造商寻求政府干预和鼓励竞争。 Indian manufacturers seek government intervention and incentives to compete. 与此同时,孟加拉国的政治动荡扰乱了服装部门,占出口收入的80%以上,造成全球服装零售商为节假日做准备的潜在延误。 Meanwhile, political unrest in Bangladesh has disrupted its garment sector, accounting for over 80% of its export earnings, causing potential delays for global apparel retailers preparing for the holiday season.