由Rio Tinto拥有的澳大利亚能源公司(ERA)提出诉讼,要求推翻撤销Jabiluka铀矿租约的决定。 Energy Resources of Australia (ERA), owned by Rio Tinto, files a lawsuit to overturn the revocation of Jabiluka uranium mine's lease.
由Rio Tinto拥有的澳大利亚能源公司(ERA)对联邦和北区政府提起诉讼,要求推翻取消Jabiluka铀矿租约的决定。 Energy Resources of Australia (ERA), owned by Rio Tinto, files a lawsuit against federal and Northern Territory governments to overturn the revocation of Jabiluka uranium mine's lease. 该地雷位于Kakadu国家公园附近,遭到当地Mirarr人的反对。 The mine, located near Kakadu National Park, has been a subject of opposition by local Mirarr people. 该公司寻求恢复其租约,而力拓表示,由于社区的反对,它不会支持该项目。 The company seeks to reinstate its lease, while Rio Tinto states it won't support the project due to the community's opposition.