ERA 对卡卡杜国家公园附近 Jabiluka 铀矿的租约拒绝提出质疑,Mirarr Traditional Owners 也加入了诉讼。 ERA challenges lease rejection for Jabiluka uranium mine near Kakadu National Park, with Mirarr Traditional Owners joining the lawsuit.
澳大利亚能源资源公司是Rio Tinto的子公司,从法律上对拒绝租赁Kakadu国家公园附近的Jabiluka铀矿提出异议。 Energy Resources of Australia (ERA), a subsidiary of Rio Tinto, is legally contesting the rejection of its lease for the Jabiluka uranium mine, adjacent to Kakadu National Park. 8月,北部地区政府拒绝续租,因为有计划延长公园。 The Northern Territory government denied the lease renewal in August due to plans to extend the park. 由Yvonne Margarula代表的Mirarr传统所有者加入了诉讼,认为诉讼损害了他们的权利和圣地。 The Mirarr Traditional Owners, represented by Yvonne Margarula, have joined the lawsuit, arguing it undermines their rights and sacred sites. 10月28日开始为期四天的听证会。 A four-day hearing starts October 28.