俄亥俄州共和党参议院候选人伯尼·莫雷诺,具有移民背景和政治联系,作为外来者竞选。 Ohio Republican Senate candidate, Bernie Moreno, with immigrant background and political connections, runs as an outsider.
伯尼·莫雷诺(Bernie Moreno)是一位富有的俄亥俄州共和党人,竞选美国参议院席位,他以局外人和移民成功的故事参加竞选活动。 Bernie Moreno, a wealthy Ohio Republican running for U.S. Senate seat, campaigns as an outsider and an immigrant success story. 然而,他的家人在美国和哥伦比亚都有着深厚的政治联系,以及相当丰富的财富,表明他有更优越的背景。 However, his family's deep political connections in both the U.S. and Colombia, as well as considerable wealth, suggest a more privileged background. 莫雷诺的父母从哥伦比亚搬到美国, 虽然他强调他家庭的辛勤工作和美梦, 他的家族历史包括政治角色和财富。 Moreno's parents moved to the U.S. from Colombia, and while he emphasizes his family's hard work and the American dream, his family history includes political roles and wealth.