埃及计划每月从索马里和吉布提进口15-25公里绵羊/山羊,以抵消斋月前不断上涨的肉价。 Egypt plans to import 15-25k sheep/goats monthly from Somalia & Djibouti to counter rising meat prices ahead of Ramadan.
埃及计划每月从索马里和吉布提进口15 000至25 000只活羊和山羊,以抵消不断上涨的肉价,特别是在斋月之前。 Egypt plans to import 15,000-25,000 live sheep and goats monthly from Somalia and Djibouti to counter rising meat prices, particularly ahead of Ramadan. 非洲牲畜进口商协会估计,进口将有助于平衡市场价格,缩小当地生产和消费之间的差距,同时支持以合理价格提供肉类。 The African Livestock Importers Association estimates that the imports will help balance market prices and bridge the gap between local production and consumption, while also supporting the provision of meat at reasonable prices. 农业和供应部正在便利进口程序,以确保迅速向市场供应,目标是稳定消费者的羊肉和红肉价格。 The agriculture and supply ministries are facilitating import procedures to ensure a swift supply to the market, with the goal of stabilizing mutton and red meat prices for consumers.