西威奇塔的Days Inn旅馆因火灾关闭,无人受伤,原因正在调查中。 Days Inn hotel in west Wichita closed due to fire, no injuries, cause under investigation.
西威奇塔的一家Days Inn旅馆在星期日下午发生火灾造成重大损坏后被关闭。 A Days Inn hotel in west Wichita was closed after a fire caused significant damage on Sunday afternoon. 据报,下午5时左右发生火灾,消防员在下午5时30分将火灾控制在控制之下。 没有报告有人受伤,但旅馆居民必须另找住处。 The fire was reported at around 5 p.m., and firefighters brought it under control by 5:30 p.m. No injuries were reported, but hotel residents must find alternative accommodations. 目前正在调查火灾原因。 The cause of the fire is currently under investigation.