哥伦比亚国会审议一项法案,可能禁止毒枭巴勃罗·埃斯科瓦尔的纪念品,对供应商处以罚款。 Colombia's Congress considers a bill to potentially ban souvenirs of drug lord Pablo Escobar, imposing fines on vendors.
哥伦比亚国会正在审议一项法案,可能禁止描绘已故毒枭巴勃罗·埃斯科瓦尔的纪念品,对销售他和其他被定罪罪犯商品的供应商处以最高170美元的罚款。 Colombia's Congress is considering a bill to potentially ban souvenirs depicting late drug lord Pablo Escobar, imposing fines up to $170 for vendors selling merchandise featuring him and other convicted criminals. 批评者认为这限制了言论自由, 而支持者则认为这能改变哥伦比亚的形象。 Critics argue it restricts free speech, while supporters believe it helps change Colombia's image. 该法案如获通过,将要求供应商有一个过渡期,以便找到代表哥伦比亚的替代办法。 The bill, if passed, will require a transition period for vendors to find alternative ways to represent Colombia.