3人因在拉斯维加斯Red Rock赌场和Spa的刺伤和枪击事件住院。 3 individuals hospitalized due to stabbing and shooting incident at Red Rock Casino Resort and Spa, Las Vegas.
周六凌晨1点半左右 在拉斯维加斯的Red Rock赌场度假村和Spa 发生激烈的争吵 导致3个人住院 On Saturday, around 1:30 a.m., a violent altercation at Red Rock Casino Resort and Spa in Las Vegas left three individuals hospitalized. 两名受害者被刺伤,一人被枪杀,两名被刺伤的受害者都处于危急状态。 Two victims were stabbed, one being shot, and both stabbing victims were in critical condition. 警察没有公布涉案人员的身份,也没有详细说明事件的相关情况,但他们向公众保证没有持续的威胁。 The police have not released the identities of those involved or detailed the circumstances surrounding the incident, but they have assured the public that there is no ongoing threat. 在社交媒体上的视频显示,紧急车辆和警察在赌场内用录像带贴着老虎机,地面上有一位受害者的安全警卫。 Videos on social media showed emergency vehicles and police tape surrounding slot machines inside the casino, with security attending to a victim on the floor.