三人在盐湖城殡仪馆外被刺伤。 Three people were stabbed outside Salt Lake City funeral home.
周二,在盐湖城一家殡仪馆外的一场混乱斗殴中,三人被刺伤,一人被枪杀。 Three people were stabbed and one was shot during a chaotic fight outside a Salt Lake City funeral home on Tuesday. 下午 1 点 30 分左右,当局收到多起市中心有人受伤的报告。警方在殡仪馆外和附近发现四人受伤,其中三人受刀伤,一人受枪伤。 Authorities received multiple reports of injured people downtown around 1:30 p.m. Officers found four individuals with injuries outside and near the funeral home, including three with stab wounds and one with a gunshot wound. 枪击受害者情况危急。 The shooting victim is in critical condition. 该事件发生在殡仪馆举行的大型活动期间,一辆疑似参与打斗的车辆在几个街区外被警察拦截。 The incident occurred during a large event at the funeral home, and a vehicle suspected to be involved in the fight was stopped by police a few blocks away.