55岁的James Douglas Pittman死于8月1日弗吉尼亚州Alleghany县64号州际公路高速摩托车坠毁事件。 55-year-old James Douglas Pittman died in a high-speed motorcycle crash on Interstate 64 in Alleghany County, Virginia, on August 1.
55岁的James Douglas Pittman死于8月1日弗吉尼亚州Alleghany县64号州际公路高速摩托车坠毁事件。 55-year-old James Douglas Pittman died in a high-speed motorcycle crash on Interstate 64 in Alleghany County, Virginia, on August 1. 他的乘客戴头盔,伤势严重,被送往Roanoke纪念医院。 His passenger, wearing a helmet, was seriously injured and flown to Roanoke Memorial Hospital. 弗吉尼亚州警方正在调查这起事故 The Virginia State Police are investigating the accident.