Zachary Lanham 32岁 在肯塔基州Greenville的霍普金斯维尔路 死于摩托车事故 Zachary Lanham, 32, died in a motorcycle accident on Hopkinsville Road in Greenville, Kentucky.
来自肯塔基州Greenville的32岁男子Zachary Lanham星期一在Rutter大道附近的Hopkinsville路上死于摩托车事故。 Zachary Lanham, a 32-year-old man from Greenville, Kentucky, died in a motorcycle accident early Monday on Hopkinsville Road near Rutter Avenue. 他的摩托车从路边开走,撞上了一个护栏,然后被从堤堤里扔下来。 His motorcycle veered off the road, struck a guardrail, and he was ejected down an embankment. 当局在木林区发现他 现场宣布他已死亡 Authorities found him in a wooded area, and he was pronounced dead at the scene. 事故原因正在调查中,没有涉及其他车辆。 The cause of the accident is under investigation, and no other vehicles were involved.