英国83%的成年人因个人卫生贫穷而切割基本卫生产品;Unilever、Boots、Georgia Harrison和Izzy Judd支持卫生银行。 83% of UK adults cut essential hygiene products due to hygiene poverty; Unilever, Boots, Georgia Harrison, and Izzy Judd support The Hygiene Bank.
83%的英国成年人由于缺乏卫生条件而减少使用除臭剂,牙膏和热淋浴等基本卫生产品, 24%的父母为了买得起这些产品而跳过餐. 83% of adults in the UK are cutting back on essential hygiene products like deodorant, toothpaste, and hot showers due to hygiene poverty, with 24% of parents skipping meals to afford them. 第四年,Unilever和Boots合作伙伴支持卫生银行,Boots承诺从7月3日至8月27日至少捐赠30万种产品。 For the fourth year, Unilever and Boots partner to support The Hygiene Bank, with Boots committing to donate at least 300,000 products from 3rd July to 27th August. 今年,真人秀明星乔治亚·哈里森(Georgia Harrison)和音乐家伊兹·贾德(Izzy Judd)与卫生银行(The Hygiene Bank)联手,在英国提高人们对这一日益严重的问题的认识。 This year, reality TV star Georgia Harrison and musician Izzy Judd have joined forces with The Hygiene Bank to raise awareness of this growing issue in the UK.