8 月 2 日晚上 9 点 44 分在蒙大拿大道上埃尔帕索发生枪击事件,1 人受伤(EPPD 调查) 1 injured in shooting in El Paso on 2 August at 9:44 p.m. on Montana Ave. (EPPD investigating)
埃尔帕索警方报告称,枪击事件造成 1 人受伤:8 月 2 日星期五晚上 9 点 44 分,在蒙大拿大道 12600 街区,远东埃尔帕索发生枪击事件,造成一人受伤。 1 injured in shooting, El Paso police report: A person was injured in a shooting incident in far East El Paso on Friday, 2 August, at 9:44 p.m. in the 12600 block of Montana Ave. 埃尔帕索警察局正在调查此案,但受害者受伤的严重程度尚未透露。 The El Paso Police Department is investigating the case, but the severity of the victim's injuries has not been disclosed. 随着调查的继续,随着更多信息的获得,将提供更新。 As the investigation continues, updates will be provided as more information becomes available.