德国经济学家马丁·卡伊姆怀疑联合国的目标是,由于气候变化、地缘政治紧张和全球粮食系统问题,到2030年消除饥饿。 German economist Martin Qaim doubts UN's goal to end hunger by 2030 due to climate change, geopolitical tensions, and global food system issues.
波恩大学的德国经济学家马丁·卡伊姆怀疑联合国的目标是,由于气候变化、地缘政治紧张局势和全球粮食系统的问题,到2030年消除饥饿。 German economist Martin Qaim of the University of Bonn doubts the UN's goal to end hunger by 2030 due to climate change, geopolitical tensions, and issues in global food systems. 这些问题大大加剧了气候危机和环境问题。 These issues contribute significantly to the climate crisis and environmental problems. Qaim警告说,如果粮食生产、分配和消费不发生重大变化,17项可持续发展目标中的任何一项都无法实现。 Qaim warns that without major changes in food production, distribution, and consumption, none of the 17 SDG goals can be achieved.