首席部长Mohan Yadav下令将当地谷物纳入州配给分配,并提议成立州一级的天然气公司。 Chief Minister Mohan Yadav orders local grains inclusion in state's ration distribution and proposes a state-level gas corporation.
首席部长Mohan Yadav下令将当地谷物(jowar、小米、racki)纳入州配给分配,这些粮食来自农民,由自助团体处理。 Chief Minister Mohan Yadav orders inclusion of local grains (jowar, millet, ragi) in state's ration distribution, sourced from farmers and processed with self-help groups. 他还希望有一个州级的煤气公司 负责生产管道化的烹饪用气 以及一个工业天然气供应行动计划 He also wants a state-level gas corporation for piped cooking gas and an action plan for gas supply in industries. 在粮食、民用用品和消费者保护部审查会议上进行讨论,重点是Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana。 Discussion in a review meeting of the Food, Civil Supplies, and Consumer Protection Department, with a focus on the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana.