在密尔沃基酒店事件中 一名黑人的死亡 被保安杀害了 A Black man's death ruled homicide by security guards in Milwaukee hotel incident.
一名黑人男子因在密尔沃基一家酒店外被保安人员钉在地上而死亡,已被裁定为凶杀案。 A Black man's death, caused by being pinned to the ground by security guards outside a Milwaukee hotel, has been ruled a homicide. 导致他死亡的情况正在调查之中,并可能引发关于美国警方暴行和少数族裔待遇的进一步对话。 The circumstances leading to his death are under investigation and could spark further conversations about police brutality and minority treatment in the US. 该家庭的法律代理指称保安人员和旅馆工作人员过度使用武力,并寻求司法公正。 The family's legal representation alleges excessive force by security officers and hotel staff, and seeks justice.