45亿年前的奥布里特陨石里贝克(Ribbeck)于1月在柏林附近坠毁,它起源于火星和木星之间的小行星带。 4.5-billion-year-old aubrite meteorite Ribbeck crashed near Berlin in Jan., originating from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
45亿年前的奥布里特陨石里贝克(Ribbeck)于1月在柏林附近坠毁,属于一类稀有陨石,它含有高比例的长石。 4.5 billion-year-old aubrite meteorite, Ribbeck, crashed near Berlin in Jan. Belonging to a rare class of meteorites, it contains a high proportion of feldspars. 来自明斯特大学行星学研究所的研究人员发现母体来自火星和木星之间的小行星带。 Researchers from the University of Münster's Institute of Planetology found the parent body originated from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. 陨石碎片释放出强烈的硫化氢气味,因为雪和冻土产生的水分对化学反应。 The meteorite's fragments emitted a strong hydrogen sulphide smell due to chemical reactions with moisture from snow and thaw.