2050 年,25% 的南极陨石可能会因气候变化而消失,危及我们对地球和月球起源的理解。 2050 could see 25% of Antarctic meteorites lost due to climate change, endangering our understanding of Earth and Moon origins.
气候变化威胁着南极陨石,瑞士和比利时研究人员的研究估计,全球气温每上升十分之一摄氏度,就会有 5,100 至 12,200 颗陨石消失。 Climate change endangers Antarctic meteorites, with a study by Swiss and Belgian researchers estimating a loss of 5,100 to 12,200 meteorites for every tenth of a degree Celsius increase in global air temperature. 到 2050 年,南极洲 30 万至 80 万颗陨石中约有 25% 可能因冰川融化而消失,在高变暖情景下,到本世纪末这一数字可能会上升到 75% 以上。 By 2050, about 25% of the 300,000-800,000 meteorites in Antarctica could be lost due to glacial melt, potentially rising to over 75% by the end of the century under high-warming scenarios. 这些外星样本的丢失威胁着我们对地球生命起源和月球形成的理解。 The loss of these extraterrestrial samples threatens our understanding of the origin of life on Earth and the Moon's formation.