副总统卡马拉·哈里斯任命奥巴马2008年竞选经理戴维·普卢夫(David Plouffe)为总统竞选的高级顾问。 Vice President Kamala Harris appoints David Plouffe, Obama's 2008 campaign manager, as senior adviser to her presidential campaign.
副总统哈里斯(Kamala Harris)已任命管理奥巴马2008年成功总统竞选的大卫·普卢夫(David Plouffe)为总统竞选的高级顾问。 Vice President Kamala Harris has appointed David Plouffe, who managed Barack Obama's successful 2008 presidential campaign, as a senior adviser to her presidential campaign. 普劳夫加入了一个由经验丰富的民主党特工组成的团队,其中包括前白宫通讯主任和奧巴馬政府副竞选经理斯蒂芬妮·卡特(Stephanie Cutter),以支持哈里斯竞选总统。 Plouffe joins a team of experienced Democratic operatives, including Stephanie Cutter, former White House communications director and deputy campaign manager in the Obama administration, to bolster Harris' bid for the presidency. 新任命的目的是利用奥巴马时代过去的成功和战略指导,加强哈里斯的竞选活动。 The new appointments aim to leverage past successes and strategic guidance from the Obama era to strengthen Harris' campaign.