嫌疑人约瑟夫·格林(Joseph Green)在塔尔萨枪杀肯尼斯·泰勒(Kenneth Taylor)的案件中升级为一级谋杀指控。 Suspect Joseph Green upgraded to first-degree murder charge in Tulsa fatal shooting of Kenneth Taylor.
塔尔萨警方已将对嫌疑人约瑟夫·格林的指控升级为一级谋杀罪,此前致命的枪击案受害者肯尼斯·泰勒(Kenneth Taylor)死亡。 Tulsa police have upgraded charges against a suspect, Joseph Green, to first-degree murder after the fatal shooting victim, Kenneth Taylor, died. 泰勒被发现在61街和皮奥里亚附近的一栋公寓大楼的汽车中头部受枪伤。 Taylor was found with a gunshot wound to the head in a car at an apartment complex near 61st and Peoria. 调查人员认为,多人向泰勒开枪,任何有信息的人都被敦促拨打918-596-COPS联系塔尔萨犯罪制止者。 Investigators believe multiple people fired at Taylor, and anyone with information is urged to contact Tulsa Crime Stoppers at 918-596-COPS.