CAG对Telangana的财务状况表示担忧,因为未偿负债达到46.8亿卢比,占GSDP的35.64%。 CAG raises concerns over Telangana's financial health as outstanding liabilities reach ₹4.68 lakh crore, 35.64% of GSDP.
CAG对Telangana的财政状况表示关切,未偿债务总额达到4.68拉克,占GSDP的35.64%,偿债负担到33财政年度需要偿还2.67拉克。 CAG raises concerns over Telangana's financial health, with total outstanding liabilities reaching ₹4.68 lakh crore, 35.64% of GSDP, and a debt servicing burden requiring repayment of ₹2.67 lakh crore by FY33. 泰兰加纳州的债务与GSDP比率超过了"泰兰加纳州财政责任和预算管理法"规定的25%目标, State's debt-to-GSDP ratio exceeds the 25% target under Telangana State Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, and the limit prescribed by the XV Finance Commission.