美国驻巴基斯坦大使馆将学生、企业和家庭团聚签证等候时间从440天减少到230天。 US Embassy in Pakistan reduces student, business, and family reunion visa waiting times from 440 to 230 days.
美国驻巴基斯坦大使馆将各类签证的等候时间从440天缩短至230天, US Embassy in Pakistan has cut visa appointment waiting times for various categories from 440 days to 230 days, targeting student, business, and family reunion visas. 这一举措旨在简化签证申请程序,并处理在巴基斯坦对美国签证日益增长的需求。 This initiative aims to streamline the visa application process and handle the increasing demand for US visas in Pakistan. 大使馆增加了领事官员,以处理积压案件,并优先处理移民签证申请。 The embassy has increased consular officers to address backlogs and prioritize immigrant visa applications.