土耳其宪法法院恢复被囚禁的反对派议员Can Atalay的议会地位。 Turkey's Constitutional Court reinstates imprisoned opposition MP Can Atalay's parliamentary status.
土耳其宪法法院宣布撤销被监禁的反对派议员Can Atalay的议会地位无效。 Turkey's Constitutional Court has declared the removal of imprisoned opposition MP Can Atalay's parliamentary status null and void. Atalay于2022年因涉嫌参与2013年盖济公园抗议活动而被定罪,在法院裁决后恢复了其议会席位。 Atalay, convicted in 2022 for alleged involvement in the 2013 Gezi Park protests, has had his parliamentary seat reinstated following the court's ruling. 法院要求释放他并返回集会,指出对他的监禁侵犯了他的安全、自由和被选举权。 The court called for his release and return to the assembly, stating his imprisonment violated his rights to security, liberty, and the right to be elected. 阿塔莱的律师和反对党呼吁释放他并返回议会,伊斯坦布尔第13刑事法院尚未作出释放他的最后决定。 Atalay's lawyer and opposition parties have called for his release and return to the assembly, with the final decision on his release pending at Istanbul's 13th Criminal Court.