南非总统拉马福萨签署了《IPID修正法》,加强了IPID的独立性和范围。 South Africa's President Ramaphosa signed the IPID Amendment Act, enhancing IPID's independence and scope.
南非总统西里尔·拉马福萨签署了《独立警察调查局修正法》,使之成为法律。 President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa signed the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) Amendment Act into law. 立法加强了IPID的独立性,授权它调查警官所犯下的指控的严重罪行,无论他们是否值勤。 The legislation strengthens the independence of IPID, empowering it to investigate serious alleged offences committed by police officers, whether they were on or off duty. 新法还扩大了执行主任的责任范围,授权该局进行就业前安全检查调查。 The new law also broadens the Executive Director's responsibilities and authorizes pre-employment security screening investigations by the directorate. IPID现在能够调查涉及南非警察署或市警察署成员的死亡和强奸案件,而不论其在任或离职情况如何。 IPID is now enabled to investigate deaths and rape cases involving members of the South African Police Service or municipal police services, regardless of their on or off duty status.